
ZNN Supports Linux and OS X. This guide was developed on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and OS X Yosemite (10.10.5).

The core of ZNN is written in C++, however we typically control it via a Python interface. We recommend that you follow the python build instructions as it will result in the interface and a compiled ZNN shared library. The C++ instructions will generate a binary without an actively developed means of control.

Acquiring a Machine Image

We have some machine images set up and ready to go for training on:

  1. Amazon Web Services (called AMIs, Amazon Machine Images)
  1. Google Cloud Platform

This is the easiest method as the program’s dependencies are already loaded and the program is compiled.

You should find ZNN in /opt/znn-release. Contact Jingpeng Wu if there is any issue of the AMI. Note that you should run training as root. sudo is not enough.

Compiling the Python Interface

To facilitate the usage of ZNN, we have built a python interface. It supports training of boundary and affinity map. Please refer to the python folder for further information.

Required Packages

We’ll need some libraries for both the C++ core and for Python. For acquiring the python libraries, we recommand using Anaconda, a python distribution that comes with everything.

We use Boost.Numpy to facilitate the interaction between python numpy array and the cube in C++ core. To install it, please refer to Boost.Numpy repository.

Installing Boost.Numpy (OS X)

For convenience, we’ve provided the following incomplete instructions for OS X:

To install Boost.Numpy you’ll need to get boost with Python:

  1. Get Homebrew
  2. brew install boost --with-python
  3. brew install boost-python
  4. git clone
  5. be completed. Follow the instructions in the Boost.NumPy repository.

Installing emirt

emirt is a home-made python library specially for neuron reconstruction from EM images.

To install it for ZNN, simply run the following command in the folder of python:

git clone

If you find it useful and would like to use it in your other programs, you can also install it in a system path (using your PYTHONPATH environment variable).

Compile the core of python interface

in the folder of python/core:

make -j number_of_cores

if you use MKL:

make mkl -j number_of_cores

Compilation of C++ core

The core of ZNN was written with C++ to handle the most computationally expensive forward and backward passes. It is fully functional and can be used to train networks.

Required libraries

Library Ubuntu Package OS X Homebrew
fftw libfftw3-dev fftw
boost1.55 libboost-all-dev homebrew/versions/boost155

Note that fftw is not required when using intel MKL.

For OS X, you can find the above libraries by consulting the table above and using Homebrew.

Compiling ZNN

We provide several methods for compilation depending on what tools and libraries you have available to you.

Compiler flags

Flag Description
ZNN_CUBE_POOL Use custom memory pool, usually faster
ZNN_CUBE_POOL_LOCKFREE Use custom lockfree memory pool, even faster (some memory overhead)
ZNN_USE_FLOATS Use single precision floating point numbers (double precision is default)
ZNN_DONT_CACHE_FFTS Don’t cache FFTs for the backward pass
ZNN_USE_MKL_DIRECT_CONV Use MKL direct convolution
ZNN_USE_MKL_FFT Use MKL fftw wrappers
ZNN_USE_MKL_NATIVE_FFT Use MKL native convolution overrides the previous flag
ZNN_XEON_PHI 64 byte memory alignment

Compile with make

The easiest way to compile ZNN is to use Makefile. in the root folder of znn:

make -j number_of_cores

if you use MKL:

make mkl -j number_of_cores

Compile with gcc and clang

in the folder of src:

g++ -std=c++1y training_test.cpp -I../../ -I../include -lfftw3 -lfftw3f -lpthread -pthread -O3 -DNDEBUG -o training_test

Notethat g++ should support c++1y standard. v4.8 and later works (gcc-4.9.3 do not work!).

Compile with icc

Intel provides their own optimized C compiler called icc. If you’re interested you might be able to get it and MKL through one of these packages.

in the folder of src:

icc -std=c++1y training_test.cpp -I../../ -I../include -lpthread -lrt -static-intel -DNDEBUG -O3 -mkl=sequential -o training_test

Uninstall ZNN

Simply remove the ZNN folder. The packages should be uninstalled separately if you would like to.


  • the travis file shows the step by step installation commands in Ubuntu.